Unit 1 Terminology, Integumentary
1. hemat(o)-blood
2. brady-abnormally slow
3. mal-bad,poor
4. path-disease
5. tachy-abnormally rapid
6. leuk/o-white
7. erythr/o-red
8. eu-good, easy, well
9. iso-equal, alike, same
10. scler/o-hardening
1. lith-stone
2. pnea-breathing
3. esthesia-perception, feeling, sensation
4. plasia-formation, development, growth of tissue
and cell numbers
5. tumor - oma
Directional terms:
1. para-near
2. peri-around
3. retro-behind/backwards
4. sub-below
5. superficial-surface
6. deep-below the surface
7. oblique-off the midline
8. recumbent-lying down
9. dorsal recumbency-on back
10. lateral recumbency-on side
Integumentary System:
1. aden/o-gland
2. ocul/o-eye
3. ot/o-ear
4. laminitis-inflammation of laminae
5. transdermal-absorption of a drug across intact skin
6. neoplasia-cancer
7. atrophy-wasting away
8. alopecia-hair loss
Unit 2 Musculoskeletal
1. cox/o-hip/pelvis
2. oste/o, oss/e, oss/i-bone
3. arthr/o-joint
4. my/o-muscle
5. myel/o-spinal cord/bone marrow
6. chondr/o-cartilage
7. crani/o-skull
8. burs/o-sac of fluid near joint
9. synovi/o-synovial membrane
Unit 3 Digestive
1. phagia (suffix)-eating/swallowing
phago (prefix)-
2. gingiv/o-gum
3. pharyng/o-throat/pharynx
4. esophag/o-esophagus
5. gastr/o-stomach
6. enter/o-small intestine
7. anorexia-lack/loss of appetite
8. colic-severe abdominal pain
9. dysphagia-difficulty swallowing/eating
10. polydipsia-excessive thirst/drinking
11. ileus-stopping of intestinal peristalsis
12. peristalsis-wavelike contractions of smooth muscle
Unit 4 Respiratory, Hematology, Immunology
1. alveoli/o-small sack
2. bronchio/i-bronchi
3. naso/rhino-nose
4. laryng/o-voice box
5. pharyng/o-throat
6. pulm/o/pulmono-lung
7. thorac/o-chest
8. trache/o-windpipe
9. epiglott/o-epiglottis
10. pneumo/, pneumon/o, pneu/o-lung/air
11. epistaxis-nose bleed
12. pneumonia-abnormal, inflammation and congestion of lung
13. hemothorax-accumulation of blood in chest cavity
14. stethoscope-device used for auscultation
15. tachypnea-rapid breathing
16. bradypnea-slow breathing
17. dyspnea-difficulty breathing
18. apnea-absence of breathing
19. aspiration-inhalation of foreign substance into
upper respiratory tract
20. diaphragm-separates thorax and abdomen
21. hypoxia-low oxygen
Unit 5 Cardiovascular, Lymphatic
1. cardi/o, coron/o, cor/o-heart
2. arrhythmia-irregular heart beat
3. diastole-expansion, relaxation
4. systole-contraction of ventricles
5. murmur-abnormal sound, regurgitation
6. emboli-blood clot
7. patent-open
8. electrocardiogram- record of electrical activity of heart
9. echocardiogram-evaluation heart structures, ultrasound
10. bradycardia-slow heart beat
11. tachycardia-fast heart beat
12. hypotension-low blood pressure
13. hypertension-high blood pressure
14. auscultation-listening
Unit 6 Nervous, Endocrine
1. neur/o, neur/i-nerve/nerve tissue
2. encephal/o-brain
3. –algesia-pain/suffering
4. vertebr/o-vertebrae
5. –esthesia-sensation or feeling
6. analgesia-without pain
7. anesthesia-absence of sensation
8. paralysis-loss of voluntary movement or mobility
9. ataxia-without coordination
1. Cushing’s disease-pituitary adenoma overproducing hormones
2. Insulin-hormone that regulates blood glucose
3. Glycemia-glucose in the blood
Unit 7 Urinary, Reproductive
1. nephro-kidney
2. ren/o-kidney
3. cysto-urinary bladder
4. urethr/o-urethra
5. cystoscopy-visual exam of urinary bladder using fiberoptic instrument
6. hematuria-blood in urine
7. nephrotoxic-poison to kidney
1. Cryptorchid-failure of one testes to descend into scrotum
2. Intact-has reproductive organs
3. Gestation- period of devlopment of fetus in uterus (between conception and parturition)
4. Parturition-act of giving birth
5. Lactation-process of forming and secreting milk
6. Dystocia- diffuculty giving birth